Food and Nutrition

Redwood Empire Food Bank

For more information, go to the REFB website or call 707-523-7903.

Cloverdale Food Pantry

Open Fridays 11 AM-1 PM (volunteer run). More information on the Cloverdale Food Pantry Facebook page or REFB/Cloverdale.

Request Meal Delivery
Council on Aging

If you are 60 and over, attend any of the Bistro, Café or other community dining sites, listed below, and would like to have a 5-day meal pack delivered to you during the site closures, please contact as at the numbers below.

Pedido para entrega de alimentos preparados
El Concilio para la tercera edad

Varios de los locales y comedores comunitarios han cerrado durante la Pandemia COVID-19. Si usted tiene 60 años o es mayor de 60 años, y ha asistido a cualquiera de los lugares en la lista inferior; y quisiera recibir un paquete alimenticio para 5 días, entregado directamente a su domicilio mientras estos sitios están cerrados, favor de comunicarse con las personas indicadas.

 Sebastopol Senior Center • Rohnert Park Senior Center • Healdsburg Senior Center• Cloverdale Senior Center
West County Locations (Forestville Methodist Church, Russian River Community Center, St. Philip’s Church) 

Please contact/Favor de comunicarse con: 

Debra 707-525-0143, Ext 120; Habla español: Diana 707-525-0143, Ext 116 

More information at l Email l 707-525-0143 


Insurance Assistance


Emergency Preparedness